Monthly Revenue Report
January 2006
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Department of Revenue
General Fund
General Fund collections of $2,249.0 million for the month of January were $136.1 million, or 6.4%,
above the official estimate. Fiscal year 2005-06 collections of $13,128.3 million exceed the official
estimate by $306.6 million, or 2.4%.
• Total Corporation Tax collections of $1 16. 1 million for the month of January were $21.6 million,
or 22.9%, above the official estimate. Year-to-date collections are $140.2 million, or 9.7%, above
• Sales and Use Tax (SUT) collections of $846.8 million for the month of January were $33.2
million, or 4.1%, above estimate. Year-to-date collections are $3.4 million, or 0.1%, below
• Total Personal Income Tax (PIT) collections of $1,057.8 million for the month were $54.6
million, or 5.4%, above estimate. Year-to-date collections are $118.3 million, or 2.4%, above
• Realty Transfer Tax (RTT) revenues of $46.4 million were $12.5 million, or 36.8%, above
estimate. Year-to-date collections are $39.8 million, or 13.2%, above estimate.
• Total Inheritance Tax collections of $62.6 million were $5.0 million, or 8.6%, above estimate.
Year-to-date collections are $1.8 million, or 0.4%, below estimate through January 2006.
• Other tax revenue including Cigarette, Malt Beverage, Liquor, and other miscellaneous tax
collections totaled $79.0 million for January.
• Nontax revenue collections of $40.4 million for the month of January were $3.7 million, or 10. 1%,
above estimate. Year-to-date collections are $6.0 million, or 3.2%, below estimate.
Motor License Fund
Motor License Fund collections of $188.8 million in January were $14.4 million, or 8.2%, above the
official estimate. Fiscal year 2005-06 collections total $1,339.4 million, and are $10.4 million, or
0.8%, above the official estimate.
• Total Liquid Fuels collections of $109.5 million for January were $6.9 million, or 6.7%, above
estimate. Year-to-date collections are $0.6 million, or 0.1%, below the official estimate.
• Total Licenses and Fees collections of $66.6 million for the month of January were $4.3 million,
or 6.9%, above estimate. Year-to-date collections are $0.2 million, or 0.1%, below estimate.
Direct address changes, requests for inclusion on the mailing list, and any other inquiries to the Pennsylvania Department of
Revenue, Bureau of Research, 1147 Strawberry Square, Harrisburg, PA 17128-1100 (717) 787-6300 FAX (717) 787-6738.
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