- Title
- The Blair County Whig
- Newspaper Title
- ["The Blair County Whig"]
- Date
- October 03 1863
- Volume
- 2
- Issue/No.
- 46
- Contributor
- Wm A. B. Satterfield
- Municipality
- ["Hollidaysburg"]
The Blair County Whig

--Whole No. 833.
Л. П
SallcrOold. Editor.
04 JR
I' IS 041R P.1 R TV.
New Series-- Vol. 2, No. 46
with Prffriom'i hmenlb oar frrl.
ГГМЙЯ'* Ми»..-»
■ «
T I I E W H 1 Gr
The only
! ■>§■ l*aper
XJ nioi i Ticket.
v.m uovkhnor,
• -
Vnlon Count J TIcKcl.
For Araombly,
District Attorney.
Director ol tbo l’oor.
0. W. HEED. 1 year
Notwithstanding tho appearance of the
sky betokened rain; a large number ot the
Citizens of Blair county met ill Hollidays-
burg, in Mass convention, on tho 18th iost
for the purpose of ralilying the noiuinatiou
of Curtin and Agnew.
At 2 o'clock, D. M., the meeting was
organized in tbo Diamond by calling to
the Chair the lion. Samuel Calvin and as
I've Pfetidenti: — David llcnshey, of
Antes, Sum’l Dean, of Woodbery, George
Kopp, of Frankslown, .Klin Morrow, ol
Tyrone tp., Jacob S. Nieodcinus, of North
Woodberiy, Jacob Barnhart, of Greenfield,
Job M. Spang, of Taylor, James Condron
of Hollidaysburg. Stephen Hammond, of
Catharine, Adam Moses, of Freedom.
Sc-rc/onci— B. L. Ilcwit. of Hollidays-
turg, Leri G. Learner, of Allegheny.
Mr. Calvin, upon taking the chair, re¬
ferred briefly to the occasion of our meet¬
ing togctiier. alter which. 11. N McAll¬
ister, Esq*. of Bcllefonte, Coir Matthews of
ot Maryland, Judge Shannon, ol Pitts
burg, and Mr. Myers, of Clarion, being
introduced, delivered speeches in which
eloquence’ sonse and wit were combined.
Every tiling passed nil' good hutiiordly
and pleasantly.
- - — - - •
Question-, And Answers
Wo hear many complaining about the
Unionists trying to place ilio negro on an
equality with the while man- Well, taking
the history of I ho past into consideration,
we think that tho idea of negro equality
originated with tiie democratic parly, a'
least, it has came in for a large sliaro ol
its approbation; as evidence, we submit the
following questions and answers to any
who wish lu throw Ilia responsibility upon
the unionists;
Who suid (lint all men arc created equal
Thuuiuii Jcfferaon, tho Father of Dc
Who gaeo nog rocs the right of suffrage
in Nsw York? Tho Deinociulie party.
Who presided over tl.o Convention which
gave nogroea this privilege? Marlin Van
Buren, n Democrat.
Who nfterwards elected Martin Van Bu¬
ren to the 1 'residency of the United States?
The Democratic paity.
Who married a negio woman, and hr
hor bad mulatto children? Richard M.
Johnson, n good Democrat; and elected to
the Vioe Presidency of the United
tales by the democrats.
lfProaidenl Van Huron bad died, and
Johnson bud booomc President, who would
have become niiatroee of tbo white House?
This same negro woman.
Who mado tho negro a oilizen of tho
State of Maine? The Democratic party.
Whe enacted a similar law in Alassaoliu'
Kite? The Democratic parly
Who gave the negro a right to vote ill
Hampshire? Democratic party.
Who permitted
colored person
owning 8250 in New York to become
General Assembly, purely Dem¬
Who repealed tho laws of Ohio which
required negroes to give bonds nnd secur¬
ity before settling iu that Slate? The
Democratic party.
Who made nniUttoos legal voters in
Ohio? A Democratic Supreme Oourt, of
which Reuben Wood was Chief J ostioe.
What became of Reuben Wood? The
Democratic parly elected I mu Governor
three times, a d ho is still n leader -of the
Democratic party.
Who helped to giic free negroes aright
to vote in Tennessee, under tho Constitu¬
tion of 1700? General Jackson who was
a good Democrat.
Who declared slavery lobe an incalcula¬
ble blessing, and dinfraurhiacd our brave
soldiers? Judge Woodward, the present
candidate lor Governor.
What uro Jtho "incalculable blessings'
of slavery? Southern Aristocracy, an in- j
expressible conflict, $2, 000, 000 000, the
Mexican War, the present Rebellion, to- j
gethcr with the loss of hundreds of thous- ]
auds of our best citizens.
Who was the leader of the New Yotk
Mob? Andrews. What was Andrews?
A Democratic orator and loader.
Where was Andrews when arrested? In
bed with n nitjt/ar prostitute named Will*!
- .. —
loll viewing'.
77. ur."h/y n'mimj Srp'. 24, 1SG3 — Re- ;
bocca Furnace, Blair & Frcanff.
eccuing, AVpt. 25, 1803 — Spen- I
cer’s School Home No. 4, Dean A Hewit; I
Blair Furnace, Hall A Keatiy; Clapper’s
School House. Blair A Frcauff.
Satnrtlay rentin'] Sryt. 20 — Tipton, i
A Keatiy; Freedom,, Ilcwit A Me- j
Fritlay renting, Oct. 2d — Yellow —
Springs' Calvin A Ilcwit; Duueausvill, i
Blair A Frcauff.
Satitrilay evening Or/. 3d — Spang’s
Mills Calvin A Keatiy; Ncwry Dean A
iVnhianht)/ renting, Oct 7ilt — Tyrone
City, Ilall & Keatiy.
Ttumltij/ renting , Oct. 8 — Williams¬
burg, Hall A MoMurlrie.
Fciilnt/ fretting, Ort 9th; — Martinsburg
HallS McMurlric; Bell’s Mills Blair A !
Calvin .
Satnrtlay renting. Ort. 10th -El Dorado, j
Hall it' Keatiy; Halil eagle Furtiaeo, Hewit !
A Dean; t'anoo Creek, Calvin A Ham- !
mono; Claysburg. Blair A Mr M urtrie.
Chairman U.
A Conscript's Cplsttc to Jeff. Du- i
The follow-ng quaint epistle, says no j
exchange, has been furnished by a mem- j
ber of the Mounted Rifles, who picked it !
in a deserted rebel camp on (lie hanks of
the Chowan river, about thirty miles from !
Winton, while out on a scouting expedition |
last spring. The letter was addressed iu j
this wise; —
Read, if you want to you thieving j
scalpbuntcr whoever you are, and for- !
ward, postpaid, to the lord high chan- ;
celior of tho devil’s exchequer (?) ou I
Jr.Fr. Davis. Richmond, Ya.
Headquarters "Scaup Hunters,” 1
Camp Chowan, N. C., Jail. 11. J
Excellency Davit:— U is with foelines of
undeveloped pleasure that nn cffectionatc
conscript; entrusts this sheet of oonfiscated
paper to tho lendor mercies of u Confcdcr
Stntcs until carrier, addressed, as it shall
he to youtsoK, O. Jeff. Red Jacket of tho
Gulf and Chief of the Six Nations — more
or less. He writes on tho slump of a shiv¬
ered monarch of the forest, with the ‘pine
trees wailing around hint,' and 'Ktidymiuii's
planet rising in “the nir.’ To you, O, Czar
of all chivalry and Khan of Cotton Tar¬
tary, lie appeals for the privilege of seek¬
ing, on his own hook, a land hss Irce —
n homo among tl.c hyenas of tho north. —
Will you not halt your 'brave columns'
and stay your gorgeous carter for a thin
"pace? and while tut admiring world takes
a 1 riel gaze at your gh rioni and God for¬
saken cause, pen fur the conscript a fur¬
lough without end? Do so. nnd mail it, if
you pleno, to that city the windy, wander-
i"S' Wigfall didn't winter in; called for
short, Philadelphia
The Elyiian wind* iwoeping down tbs
defiles of the Old Dominion, and over the
wnmps of Suffolk, home moaning through
tho 'pines of the Old Slates laden with tho
music, and sigh themselves nwny into
sweet sounds of silence of tho Inr of South
Your happy cuusei ipt would go to tho fur
away North whence the wind collies, and
leave you to reap the whirlwind, nnd no
ouo hut your father, tho Devil, to rake
and hind alter you. And lie’s goitig.
It is with intense nnd multifariously
proud satisfaction ho gazes for that last time
Tho engagement between tho two ar¬
mies soon came on, und tho old man filed
urns for all grades of cattle exceed
i ,i. _ . „r 1 1 of which tiro *30 ouch, 10 from
to *16,
vheu the upper part of the Astor llouso ru„ni,„, in-, herd
Real PoI.ITKNKSB —About a year ago,
the robs haunt hint in that condi¬
tion, lie knew death was his puition. So
he concluded to try strategy ns his only
hope. He then gave his rifle a toss as far
off as possible— took out his lock kail.' mol
boundless confederacy, tho revived relic of
ages gone, banner of our king of few duys
and full ol trouble. And tbnt polo in its
tapering uprightness testifying some ol tile
grandest beauties of our nationality; its
peak pointing hopefully towards tho tropi¬
cal stars, and iu biggest end into the
ground. Relic and pole, good bye. "l’is
best the conscript goes; his claim to chival¬
ry has gone before him: Bebind’hc leaves
the legitimate cbilalry of this unbounded
nation centered in the illegitimate son of a
Kentucky horse thief.
7,”, .. V- , “ , i . U|i"r , • . others running down tu leraerrntes. II.-' herd
eighteen ol Ins twenty live rounds, and | wss on fire, uno of Ilia servant girls was B0i |Ma tbnn 16 head, llret premium $40; 2nd
says ho killed three l-ubs tu Ilia oerliiin I directed to nwukctt two gcnLloiiioii, who premium $2Y
knowledge. Our I’urccs were compelled to wore asleep in alt up stairs room. Sho llmses for all grades the premiums exrood
full hack and leave our dead and wounded [ knocked al the door, and with the greatest Th ■ highest *H'0: 22 tmlween
on the field, and Burns having received simplicity said, “I Img pardon gentlemen, I' J sl,te°p and Swiuo fho'proa^ium? rangolbm
lliicc wounds, was leti also, not hotiig able ; tor disturbing you, but tbo bouse is on gio, $5 aud *3.
to gel away. Thote lie lay in eiliiuns dress fire.” For Poultry there is a long list of premium»
und il the robs loalld him in that I
from *2 lo *1 each. In the billowing class»»
SuonT BUT Kxprkssiyk DlAtoOUr..— molt literal premiums are offend: Ploughs,
-John, where is your master to-day? ” Cultlraton, Drills, Wagon, , It.aph gand Mow-
ini . rr • _ -
mg Mnclnw*, Cutter*. Corn Bbellftre, U«J«r
Oh he i* off, »ir, rcoruiUftg
ШЬ, РишЬ»,
Luckei». Tin W.ro, Uatl.tr and
Be crumiiR,
lie, that e good, where» it9 Manufacture*. Ou Fixture*. Marble Man-
ties, Butter. Flour, drain and Bred*. Vagata-
nnd aim for Dorae*tic and Household
Mauufactorcs, Cloth*, Carpet.. Satioot. 8hirt-
ing. Shotting, IMnnke t*. Flannel*. MtawN, Knit
Goods, Needle Wo k, *c. Drea«l, Cakct, I’rt-
serte®. Jellic®,
bulge prvuiiuniM nre offered for every vavie-
i.„ j, . , ; ty of Fruit and Klowem. Tlit Floral tent will
.0)1 h. lure, und WUi» wounded JK A BKLbK basil hrulhcr,
о* соигяо
be» be the Inrgcst ever erected by the Society, nnd
you our troops or your»f “t don t know - Ue|l(.b' l,c |,„b. will form one of tho most ..ftractire f*Mu-eii
who wuundod tuo, but L only know (but I - - — - ol the Kxhihitinn. Fruit, (Jrnpes nud Wiue
utn wounded and in it hud fix," ‘•Well,!
YOl'NU LADY, if a vinilor knocks nt will be exhibited hi thin department.
what wtu \ou doiuu hero — what was vour ilie front door, will somctiuic» send word The Pi-now) 1 vania Kailroad nnd Norristown
bTeif'-::i\r . . u,,t m?7' tliou«h 8iie - w bd * ^fTx:iM,ib;7i*;Vb7c:^"Ui^7,.Yfa,,:,J3-
will tell you; ".My old woman s health is in her life. | illg freigbt ,0 bo whicli nl|f berrj.ddthe
very poor, and I was over across tho coun- ehipper when good* nre returned to- the «lotion
try to gat a girl to l.olp her, and coming
the old gentlemen who undeitook * bens, dipped, it i» l.opel to eff.ct the
Excursions at reduced rates will be run on
the leading radrond*.
Eniries can he made at the in Nor-
ri«iown after the 4 th day of September. All
articles UIU31 be entered on the bo..** n or bo-
fore Tuesday evening. September
biliil ore niur-i become member*. Metubeihbip
51.00 with four Coupon Ticket*, each of
which will admit one peisou io the F*lr once,
finale iriiiilssioii. 25 Cli.
rilruhfuru.'1 |."cw ,e I "“'„I ''"l* B“l j to take the twist out tlf maelstrom, has ;
right into this fix, ami liere I are. Where I goue gone out Wist to whitewash the
do you live, inquired tlto rebels?” "Over in I Rocky Mountains. He goes in for large
town, in such a small house.” They then • jubs.
picked him up and carried him home and 1 — -
left him. But they soon returned, as it; es%,\Vhipiug the Devil louutl the slump"
dtwed thus; — “llis Tobelian Ma-
him. But they soon returned, ns il | . t. 0
suspecting ho had hccll lying to them, and is now rendered
But a few words more, illustrious Prcsi- 1 Ula^e him answer a groat ninny questions, j jesty is being flagellated about the inearth-
i.„ ,t.,„. _
I hut lie Uuck hi his oldstorv. und they fail- j cd remnant of a iullcu tree.”
“Ut lit auck to Ins oldstorv. and they fail- : cd remuaut of a iullcu tree. Single Admission, 35 cl«.
Elevated by their suffer!^ and suffra-
^ *“ “J | * QuEsnoN.-To ask at, un-
ges to the highest office in tin, gilt of a He ray, he slral, always fc.i indebted to ; tdd a lie. ’ A BUZZ'S.
;rcat and exceeding lice people, you have i some
Ins Luppoi head neighbors lor tho ,,or,onB |,c hss . AuS
great -
.... ...
hold your position without a change of 'ast ca 't ,lur he believes sonic one had in
, i lurined thorn ol him. Noon after tiicv leli
base, or purpose ol ant sort, through weary I , ,, , . . , . , ' .
, p J , '
bullet came into Ins room and struck in
months ot war, and want, and woe; and J wall about six inches above
To ask a doctor how litany persons
To ask a minister whothor ho over did
anything vety wrong.
To ask a merchant whether ho over
ch'-ated a customer.
A Joint It r soldi lull
certain AllieiMlllU'llls to lire
lie it res, Ived by the Sonata nnd House of
I Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pena-
' sylvnnia iu Uencrnl Assembly taut, That tlio
here lie'
though every conscript would unite with j lay on Iris sola, hut lie don’t know who Br¬
ibe thousands of loynl nml true tnen in the edit. Ili, wounds proved lobe only flesh I ...
',„i„ -l,„ll,„r .ho would ' . .
, -„„„.i. 1. . : _ . I, I . . io ask a young ,auv ffliotnor sue would , faiiowitig amemlmet.i, be proposed to the Co0—
Noulh It n grand old grief at your downhill j '' 8aD‘l h. IS getting Well, taels first rau | |;tc a bcn|1 stiluliou of Ibo Common, eallb, in accordance
so too will they sink under the calamity ol 1 ° °"° 111111 L'
To ask nn editor the name of any of hie with , the provisions of the leruli uiiiclo thereof.-
.... ,
, J , I chance to give ihom n rip. '
shall be an additional Mellon to ibo
an exquisite joy when you shall have reach- Old Burns is the great hero of tho bat- ] _ _ third uttielc of the Constitution, to bo desigua-
ed that cmiuent mcridan whence all prog- ! tie; his huinc thronged with visitors Gov-! pu^Some rascal proposes that ladies led as section
a, follow.:
- : . t- j ernor C’uriin and many other distinguialu d wlm clamor lor their rights, should be made
,u, Co'mmonw"“lll,' ,l,'.U be“i«'aay
lident of a politi- ™.c" m,TC caUrd '"in, and have made , to do military duty. 'J hey wish to enlist ,
.,.rviCe. .mg. r requisition
* lilt Valnaliln nroaoiit. t II . .1
” I
_ .L . li i a_. * r .1. - IT.t.. ■ _ _ i ..
ress is perpendicular. ertior
And now, bastard President of a politi- ™.° . . .
cal abortion farewell j nun valuable presents. j and become their “companions in arms. from tho President of the United Elates, or by
“Scaln hunters " relic nolo and cliival. Now mark the contrast between
-- 1 the authority of this Commonwealth, suoholec-
C , 7’. ’ P°' , Who had risked his life to save his country ! ^«otcgo, «ijd*'; bieau.c it ton. may exorclso the tight of wiffrag* in all
rous con ledernloe in crime, good bye. hx» - ,inii i„c .... . .. i .. I I > , . .
, cleotlons by the citizen*, under
cwp, it he in the army o. the Union, you bleeding fro,”
j “ ^ ^
‘П нГ,
will not again sec til! conscript, j his t oppeiltcnd neighbors wlm no doubt, nt?X-Cumo again, Rev. .1. \V. and stay a place of elect
North IIaunoli), jsent the rebels buck to cut bis throat; and
longer with us. 14
Of Ash, County, X- C. if they had boon the one hundredth part - - — — -
A Good natured SmTl — That man who “.itt nZ ORN AMENTAL_I RON WORKS.
wanted the hand lulls struck, informing the rebels left him for good, those fiends woo„ * PKHOT. No. tun Itnt.e Av.wue,
the people that in Philadelphia, \\ oodward m human shape, finding llui rebels land j I'll 1 1, A Ill'll, I’ll I A PA.
would have 250 000 votes, nud Curtin, some pity fur suffering humanity and spar-
\ FKKU f,r Vale up,, a the most favorable
200. Guess he meant t’other way.
his life, irloi to kill hint thorasolves by \ ) terms. Ne»,,i,J Reialiful Design
— . - — - firing at hint iu bis own home. I variety of Iron Bnilii g- for Cemcier
’I lie Hero Uf Csfllyabarg. - .. _
&0. of Wrought ou, I fast Iron.
_ Court Scene _ \ certain Judge of Owlvwnixed Iron and brass Tuning: Iron Ve- , ^
Tito following thrilling incident was one of our courts was very punctilious in ,r.7,-!'(;',’t,.';1t.\.l'n,m ..''ii‘lelimg'l'''-'-.' Lamp I
related to tbaediior of ihe lSradturd .injnt. court etiquette, but do-.rly lovcu a joke suuJb, Tablet, Flo«*-r 8t»ad*. 8cfa», :
1). Bejca, Ek|., who hpvnt several ( or willicittu; The uephe* of the Jud^e j tJbalre, Statuary. Animal», and all oilier Iron J
k of n Deeoriitive obnraoter. Uci-ign* for-
n* In gi C'kt
lie*. Ke*i-
applyin* for
I>. Heyca, E«|M who spent several t or witticistu; The ucpli _
diivs on the buttle fiidd in search of the was foreman of
jury, a innn of ^reat wit "
body ol Captain
11. lT.AOC, who loll iu and humor, who knew his uncle’s love warded for selection
.i . . is.».., nne, will pleoxo at«t« kind of work Deeded,
that terrible ugnt: | ol \vu and aUo ihn ri^id ruling in court. s,.pl j
» ц*,;з
In the town of Gettysburg lives ait old Thu 'uretnan was not present when the 1 -
couple by the name ol .Burns. The old | court oamo in nnd tho jury wore called, iTu-nlv Du-
.si," 1
man was iu tho war uf 1S12, and is tiow but oamo in f„un uftcr, Tho Judge, in office
or the Uurmmv. ' l
nearly seventy years of age, yet tho frosts every stern manner addressed his nep- Washington, Aag. II, 18, >3. )
of many winters hat not chilled Ills pat ri- ; hew. ,
By satbtiictory ovidonce pre-
uttsm or ditninislicd his lovo for tho old "Mr. S - vvliat exouso have you acute, 1 to the undersigned, it 1ms been
flag, under which he fought in his early to give for keeping fhe cottr. waiting?” l?
day«. >\ lien tbo rebel» invaded tho beau- Ilo replied id Iim u*ual comical man- Slele uf i*Cim*ylva.ii«. b»ebf*uduly organlicd
tiful Cumberland Valley, and wu.s march- ucr: Ull,ier. huJ according to the requirements of
in* on Gettysburg. Old Barn», concluded
it plcaae your honor, I overslept «be Act of Congre**. inillN “An Act to pro- ;
th’^i it was time lor every loyal nun. y>un^ niv»e!f.‘’ * n»'»00"1 curre n y. »ecmed l*y • |»le«lg*
• J i.f L'litmi ^ates »t«*ek. ami to pruvid« for tbe
cir«-u ati-*n and ledcmption thereof, approved ,
February 1*5. lbC8. Mild baa Cutnplifd with all
the provieion* of laid act required to be coo»- i
I'lied with before cojauicuciug the buaioe*» of
tberef*ie. I. Hugh McCulloch. Con-
or»ld. to be up mid be doin^ all in his
power to beat back the rebel foe. and if
possible, Live them a quiet rostio" pUoc
beuealii the eod they were polluting with
their uiiliallowpil feet. The Old Hero ti-tk
down an old State luu-kct ho had in hi»
house aud commenced running hullot». —
The Old lady »nw what he watt ubout, and
wanted to know what in tbo world ho was
The .1 ud^e, turning to the clerk of the
court «aid:
• Mr. Clerk, fine Mr S - ”
The foreman immediately aro*e aud
“May it plcaso y«»ur honor, I never
drenmeti of that.”
The Judge aflcr a short pume. hliow-
inj: by tbo working of lii» oounteii tuoo
that lie appreciated and enjoyed the wit,
ir>iii£ to do? Ab? «aid Burn», 1 tho't _ . . ,, v i . . f
some of tho hoys might want ilia old gun, 1 turned again to’tho clerk, mctciVoiisorv -
and l u in jotting it ready lor them. The ing:
rclcls oamo ..... Old Burns kept his eye , Mr. Clerk, remit tho lino, nnd call tho
on the lookuut Ito saw thuHtars and stripes next ense.”
comiug ill curried by ,,ur bravo hoys. — I .... ....
'This Was more than tho old follow could 1 “tSU-Anything to please tho child." as
stand; hi. patriotism got the hotter uf his tho nurse said, will'll she lot the baby
age and iiifinuiiy— grabbing his musket lie crawl out of the third slury window,
started out — the old lady hollowed to him
Borns where arc you goitig? oil says .
Burns, I am going out to see what is going
on. Ho immediately went to n Wiscon¬
sin regiment and asked them if they would
Uke him ill. They told hint they would,
aud gave hint three rousing cheers.
liio lUitency, ,lo hereby certify that
Ibe Skill l'ilst National Bank of llolliilaysburg,
county of Blair, and 8t„lo of Pennsylvania, is
iiulhoeizoil t„ cmmi'tm,' the hu,iue»» of li, ink¬
ing under llio „cl „for, -sold. _ !
In tnstimuny whrieul wllarssmy l"nd and
seal ol ultioe, the . . . .
г <;Г
A.tg. 1803.
Hl'UII Met l’bl.t H II,
Contrullvr of lb. Currency.
Tiiciu itliiill be tiro ndilitionnl flection* to the
ulevculii article of the Constitution, to bo dee-
ign4ted in sodioiis eiglil, ami nine,
No bill shall b*
by tbo
I.cgiflbitui'e, coiiiiiiniDg more thnuono «ubject,
winch bbali be clearly i<xprc»»e<l iu the title,
except uppiopfiation bill*.
StCTlux t* No bill sbitll be pwj'l by the
I^gitsiuturc gmiiiiiig any powei*. or pritilegea,
iu any case, where the authority to ^mut such
power®, or prmltgcfl, h*« been, or may here-
alter be, cout'erreJ upon the court» of tbi»
Speaker of tie Ilou-a of Uepr«MnUitiv»f.
Speaker of the Senate.
OlilCa OF
liurri.-bui g, July 1, lbU3.
[L, S] 1 do hereby certify tbnt the foregoing
hihI auuexe l is a lull, truo nu<l corrn i copy of
thu original Joint Ke.toliitioii if • li*» (ivivral
Akflpmbly, enlitleti “A JhIiiI KcM»luli«m propo¬
ning certuin .^meinlmontH to tlio (,'onHtitv.tiou,"
ns the Mime re main
on tile in this oilice
In Tentimony whereof. I have bt?rounto »et my
bund, and enu-ed the *enl of the .Secretary ’a
office to be ullixcd, Ike day aud year above
Secretary of tbo Commonwealth.
July U .
\o More riu l<l l.aiu|> K\j»!o»lon*.
db CO.*
prLIKU to the common Flui J Lamp.adapt
Aug 29-2m.
ft2f-Ncver nwn that your wile is right.
Do it onco, and on tho conceit of it, she
will he wrong the rest of hor life.
Sum for tiie Bov».-— If a newspaper
. . ,..e
editor ''slop the press to announce," what
Tho old musket was” som.''th7mvn aside j would he do 10 “ l,oun,1?
■State Agricultural Society,
it for binning
Oil, without
and without
chimney, al ONE-
A .Qraglc dnxen mnited, post-lniid, ou recetyt
of CO cents in slumps, t,v
DAY ,v CO, Newark, N. J.
March It, lt>ljil — ly. _ _ __
I VO THE PEOPLE.— Maj Gao. Ravhoxu,
| of Hullidayscurg, will he an Independent
candidate for the Legislature. He Is loyal —
having been the man who inaugurated Ihe Re¬
publican parly of this Congressional bislrict.
nod ndl stand by the dag— right or wriVnat
Aurri"t 29. IS»» -ie.
and n first-rate rifle given him, and twen¬
ty-five rounds of cartridge». Tho Colonel
ciinio up and said to him. "Old mao can
to shoot?" "Yes, any» he, some.”
Then said the Colonel pointing at two or
three rebel officers at a dlstaiioo, "do you
see llioso rebel officers?” "1 do said
Borns.” “Can yon hit one of them?"
"I can try." So stepping to n tree, ho
took deliberate aim nnd blaiml awa.C —
“I kay Brown, s-what a close shaver
Junes is, lio'll squabbln about n eunt."
“Well what if ho duos? Tho
squabbles ubout tlio batter.”
Si.uiciitT or hand — Refusing an oflur
of marriage.
hereby gives notice mal lie will
Nomstown, Monty ru < o., i n. >iuu,- ur up|,oinime„i i,i.
and Silihand October Is. JgJ-J
ami 2nd, 1803.
The less one HorrWown ,, 10 miles West of
drlpbiu, on -4,0 K-haylklll River and I. aoa*?-
- ibis by llailway t , every portion uf ihe Dtnie.
■I'li.inw an
rtl .
ere beautifully rililated, oen-
Estate or vv, l lia Biz,
и в икс'»,
l'lie Auditor appointed la hear and Jeeid -
upon Ihe exceptions filed Io lira Accent of
Martin bell. A-Irn'r. of William lh-iglo. llco'd.
heret,y gives notice that he will attend ,o Iho
office in llolli-
of Sept., 18CJ,
person, ioleresied are re
quested I J alien. I.
AUG. S, LANDIS, Auditor,
Aug. Hi, 1868.-81.
‘ Patrick, where’s Bridget?" “Indadc, ‘^“y ,b, best half mile tracks in the Stale.
The emu, ids nro bonulifully rllualed, oon- , T
telling 28 Acres of ground will, fine largo
Lit LlUV,
buildings thereon oreoied, mgeiher
amount of Shedding. .The
«М '»
^VFICFiu oU| pl.ee, McFarland’. Ilalld.
ing. Collection
The officer loll, wWoh brought down
1 bread baking " the Brciety. .aniouHeg ro *7U00, Theprte;- pronqlly attended to.
euieodous applauio oo old Burnt. t
Collections and
fioldiers’ Claims
May 80, 1808.
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