- Title
- The Blair County Whig
- Newspaper Title
- ["The Blair County Whig"]
- Date
- January 09 1864
- Volume
- 3
- Issue/No.
- 6
- Publisher
- ["John Brotherline"]
- Contributor
- John Brotherline
- Municipality
- ["Hollidaysburg"]
The Blair County Whig

Vol. X VI- Whole ISTo- 844.
New Series— "Vol. 3, No. 6*
U; Joint Brotlirrllin*.
Established 1946
О) В ГЬА«<
porevcr flont Urn* «nmlnrtl elieei !
Wit IV breaths. IbB (OB bin lull. before U.l
Witli Kreetlani'n *«ll bcnt ui li
\nil Kropilam'* banner el re urn lug u>r
J But Meede, wliu knout how angry hunger
Returns lo feed thoui loaves of lead.
your clamors — close your craven
Vo base horn wretohes that delight in
Wee how our brave men suffer iu the tented
Whilst you roll back in plenty as you
delicate little hand of tho w iter, almost j young man to bo challenged in ibis region
crushed it botweon bia great bony Bn- | and rcluso to Bght, is to be forever dis-
gers. graced; not oven tho genius of a Shake-
“You've done it, young man,” Ito cried, I peare. with tho tho wisdom of Solutnon,
with an oath, “and you'll soon have aotne- could give you any more inlluenoe over
! thing bettor to do than sit here a taring at those people; therefore, I helievo you
blank walls. Hero is your money — the would bo OOmpollen to leave tho State,
only difference is I've concluded lo make | “Mr. Bradley, ’’ rejoined the young man
.Vlrtlioillal lllshnpn In Hie Honda
The Mrlhodirt of last week faya:
“The recent appropriation of thirty five
God's Word n 9 urn Support.
"I hope you enjoy tho consolation of the
Gospel in your affliction»," said I
And ye that ait secure beside the blaze,
That wastes in smoko upon your oltim-
ney lops,
Keutembor still tho soldier and the Devil's
“1 ho Blair County
lll!^'. Whose purse is filled by golden drops.
Your welcome N™Vcjr let the young The modern Devil come, his aoou.l round,
And waits to snore your email behests,
T 14 15
I Cl.
heart epenk;
v . v v _ u. And
that him of ancient way,
Your wclcoiiio fcew Year let our pen ‘ J
And thrice emboldened by thy friendly
.May not be one of the most unwelcome
of your New Yf.ar Guf.sth.
A\ AKhA\D4S tflLIlU
We uuw our Holiday Address will write
Some tlirce or four years after tho ad-
Write, speak and laugh, our gladness Its ol* Arkansas ‘into the Union,
the same,
Though others groan
That buds and blossoms on tho tree of
young man whom we ahull cull Authur
weep amid the Granger, a native of Ohio, went to Little
! Hock to set up tho practice of law. He
was then about three and twenty years of
ng*1, small, slender and effeminate-looking,
with liplit hair, almost beardles face, and
We’ll pause and wonder o’er the past year's dark blue eyes. His diess lliough not
tleed» 1 exacfIy foppish, was altogether .to fino.
,, r •
а а
.1 - neat and precise to suit the taste of men
How from iho clouds the peering sun of . . , , , , .
1 c who had nlwny* seemed prepared lor
f®n'° I roughing it in the back woods, ns most of
Upon our care worn UoutfpV shed's his them had done at one time and anothei;
rayt j and ho was moreover a stranger from the
And frnm the. sky. bung o'et with sable North, who bad perhaps came there to
| display Ins learning and pick up I heir
I money, so that, from tho very first, he was
regarded with suspicion, aversion and cor-
I,.,.t year beheld us plain» in our gtief, j '"X fir„ aix nr cjKht monlIl, he got no
And startled at the crash and clang of practice whatever, notwi.hstandiug ho
arms: I was regularly at his office or the court-
This year has brought us Victory, harbitl- | ™om* watching, waiting and hoping; oud
The moilruing garments rolled nway.
I he wus about lo give up in despair, and
! betake himself to some locality, when one
! day a tul!, lank individual
I in his apartment, and after surveying him
| from head to toot said, as he helped him-
I self to a sent; —
‘•See here young hop-thumb, is there
| anything in you?”
Cfon-ra - *— MS
ger of peace,
Thejmothcr of our dread alarms.
How ought wo smile when recollection
With Gettysburg and Vicksburg on her
banner written;
of all,
Where Hebei hordes were smitten,
The other alared at him n few moments,
aud .seemed undetermined whether to
Above the clouds where Hooker poured i consider tho ropl
у в
joke or an insult. —
He finally griued at it and proceeded: —
‘•I mean do you know anything?”
“Oh yes something,” answered the
lawyer, pleasantly. “1 know the difference
between chalk and cheese, a horse aud
his fire,
Cod -given and loaned for Liberty;
Whore screamed the unrelenting shot and
The tidings of a better day for you and j.horscblock.
me ( ‘‘Can you write?
, , I Ihc stranger drew n newspaper from
There Grant, above whose head the mtss.le hi„
„pen,d it deliberately, point-
Uncovered stood, and breathed his silent
Iloping, but not in vain ttor long.
That dire defeat would meet tho rebels
With thundering footstep», visage nalo and
And purple blood .dripping from his
ashy lip,
Defeat cattle swiftly o'er the slaughtered
And stnolo the frightened rcbcli thigh
and hip.
What noed we more to draw tho angry
look of God
From us upon the foe we hunt to death,
Than that we fight aa only ftoeatcu Bght,
And know that God's own vengeance
hangs upon a breath.
Where'er we sec tho proud oppressor
And clank his chains about our ears,
We smile in oalin derision st his certain
And pour no soothing cordial for bis
Dissimulation child of Treason's ago,
Asks tauntingly what Meade lias douo
that's good;
But Dee's retreating hotdes in crying
Tell in
that word
cd out an article, handed it to the yonug
man and said: —
"Head that."
The young lawyer complied and rend
a tirade of tho most nonudsluits and scjth
ing nature aguinst otto Miles Gregory, the
Democratic candidote for tho State bogie-
“Well," demanded the stranger, when
he had finished tho artiolo. “What do
yon think o! that?"
“It is pretty severe.”
“I beliove yon. Do yon 'sped that’s
another man in the state of Arkansas that
can write as scorching a thing agin the
Whig candidate?"
“If there were foots to jnstify it, I
doubt not such an artiolo might be pro¬
duced," replied the young lawyer.
“To thunder with your foots!" cried the
stranger, excitedly; “feels ha'u’t gut no¬
thing to do with politics — that's no facts
in that; it’s ail lies, from beginning to end.
I'm Miles Gregory, and I ought to know.
I'll give fifty dollars to anybody that’ll
write as savago a thing as that ngin Joe
Perrin." .
"When do you want it?"
‘‘Now— to-day."
“With regard to facts?’’
“They lia'o’t got nothing to do with it
I tell you."
„Very well if yon will call in
of hourS' I will show you something to
“If you’ll do it or the half on't,” said
Miles Gregory, rising to leave, "I’ll put
yon in n way to rmiko a fortune.”
, Ho went nut and returned nt ibo an-
a word Meade Its, dune,
„ni1 th„ Tn„r„ h'ad
rord is “fond the article ready. Without descending us
low as the model in vulgar optUiest, It woe
more terrible in iu sarcasm. Gregory
could scarcely contain hitiisell while the
young lawyer was rending it, and as soon
as he had done ho bounded from his seat
with a yell of triumph, and seizing the
They cry for bread— they cry in vain for
br?ad£ — .
A nd hungor echoes back the cry for
thousand dollars for the extension of our I youthful soldier in a Western hospital. —
work in tho far south is likely to bo fol- | He was very sick. He had been poorly
lowed by important consequences. Almost ! attended, suffered greatly, and lucking
biintillatieously witit it uppeurs tire proclu- 1 coumtou com .. a, even appropriate food,
tualion of the Preiident offering to the “Indeed, 1 do, ’ said lie, grasping my
it n hundred instead of fifty — but that’s with eoutiressed lips and
peculiar gleam people of the states now in rebellion uu hand warmly. ir the Bible class I learn-
ray business— so none of your nonsenoe.” of bis dark blue eye, I hope itnd prny it untncaly upon certain conditions which ho j ed to love the word of God. Hut for its
lie rushed out with n triumphant laugh, may never be nty fortune to meet an utils- has thought lit to prescribe. promises, it seems tome I nover could have
leaving tho lawyer tj ruminate upon his gnnist on the ao culled field of honor ; but ".Measures have already been taken lo | endured this affliction. Unstained by the
first fee, and t lie possible consequence of should such bo the osee, mark me — l majr carry out the plans of our church. Bishop hope of the gospel, I have been calm and
becoming a conspicuous individual iu that full, but he will die I Dct us change tho
mos, ut lust accounts, w as at St. Louis, peaceful. I reniixe that God knows best,
fighting region subject." preparing lo start upon his tom down the »nd my consolations are neither low nor
Tito next-week (lie article appeared in | The crisis entne. Accidently the secret Mississippi. Bishop Simpson will soon j small."
the Democratic paper and crested quite a was discovered, and in* less than twenty- proceed to Tennessee. A prominent anti I repeated part ol the twenty-third
sensation. Ono political party was de- I'nnr hours Author Granger received three popular Methodist minister, non stationed | Psalm: "Tire Lord is icy shepherd I shall
lighted and tho other chagrined. Who challenges to mortal combat front differ- in New York city, has beeD designated for not want." How his countenance light-
wna the author? Nobody knew. The ent parlies. Ho called upon Mr. Bradley, the city of New Orleans; and though the cd up! What faith and hope beamed in
quid asset, were puzsled. Every known his employer, to act as his friend and sec- appointment demends of him not a little j hie eye! Frequently from his free heart
writer's stylo wos duly considered, but I mid, mid assured him he war ready to ! sacrifice, his acceptance is nevertheless he would interpose some remark. When
something iu the nrticle differed from fight them nil! hoped Ihr. An order has been given by 1 came to tho verse, ‘Yea, though I walk
each. Could it ho that a now Juu- 1 “My dear friend,” Slid journalist, gras- tho Secretary of War permitting tho ocott- through the valley of the shadow of death,
ious had come among thorn ? The Damo- pieg bin bend, “this is a serious business pution of deserted churches within our I will fear no ovil; for then art with me,
oral» were anxious to find out lo do iron- These men ere ell practiced duelists, and military lines, and the use of litem tempo- , thy rod and thy staff, they comfort mo,’
or lo their champion; and tho Whigs that considered dead stint. They intend to rurily fur military services. No.qucslions scorning lo forget his pains, and entering
they might contrive n way to silence him. kill, that is certain ; and to bn candid, I sec of ownership or possession are to lie raised, fully into the triumph of the apostle, lie
Nobody suspected the beardless lawyer. — 'little hope of your escaping all tlirce. I I hose can ho determined only when the .exclaimed, “That is glorious, glorious!"
fu fact, ii ho had openly avowed it, tho am not sure that you should accept morn several stales are brought back to their Happy youth. Those in tire couches
chances are (lint lie would have been kick- than ono challenge nt present. allegiance end civil rule is
more es- around him saw not tire light that shone
cd fur u toasting liar. “Oh, yes— all,” returned the young he- , Inhibited over their people. upon his path, know not the joy that filled
Tlirce individuals only knew anything j ro, positively, “l’ieaso arrange the first “Many facts in tho condition »f the his heart, were strangers to (hose consols-
aoo'it it — lire writer, lire fcattdidate and affair for sunrise to-morrow morning, sec- hiputlicru states encourage tire hope ol the lions which lo him through tire wotd of
the proprietor oi tho paper iu which it : and for half nn hour later, and tire third return of tire vast msjority oi Methodists God, abounded amid his abundant suffer-
appeared. To the lust, indeed, was due 1 for half an hour later still. If I escape ; in the Sotilh to the oltl church — the >'igs.
the fact that the secret was kept so close, tire first, I shall ho in time Ur tire second; i church of Ashbury, and McKendree, from In time of disappointment and worldly
When lie first read the nrticlo he acknowi- and if the second, tho third will not be which many of them separated with the disaster, in lire Imusu of sickness and
edged the power of lire writer ami demon- kept wailing. If I full before I givo cncli greatest reluctance. The Methodist Epis row, when earthly friends fail and death
ded his name. Gregory gave rt without a chance, of Cottrso I shall lie excused*" , copal Church. .South, is shivered to atoms, threatens, would you through God’s word
hesitation. The journalist was surprised. Bradley threw Iris arms around tho | It is doubtful whether its General Cou-
ilo had seen the puny lawyer, hut never neck of the young lawyer, and fairly hog- ferenee will over meet again; or if it shall
dreamed there was any such stuff in him. ged him, so great was his admiration of his meet, it will be shorn of its former propor-
“II ow did you find him out, Grcgoro? ' f coolness and courage.” . tions. The publishing house in Nashville
“By a blunder. I got into his office by ! “if you live through this ordeal," lie I is in the hands of the Uuited States au- 'joy shall abound,
mistake, and then something just kind nf said, “you can aspire to any rank in the j thorities; its finances wore impaired beyond - - — -
struck me to* try the thing on — a sort of gift of tho people of this fighting State." remedy before it was closed by military 4lur Thoughts,
esperiment, you know.” j 'Tire meeting was arranged according to ! order. The members of tire Louisville 8,0 °',Pr thinking. Swift ns the
“Does auy ono else know anything about tire wi.lt ol Granger, ami at tho appointed ] Conference, nt their lust session, avowed fleeting seconds, come aud go front tire
it?" j hour he was on tho ground with his friend; | their loyalty to the goverumcnWof the miud the light- winged thoughts. We call
“Nary one." 1 and so were his antagonists with theirs ; j Onion, and by Util avowal severed them- them little things, are scarce conscious of
“Then seo hero — this must la a secret and ao, iu fact, waa half tbs town of Little selves front lire tehol part of southern their presence, and yet our characters are
of honor between ua. I am going to so- Buck, wire had couieout to vvilucss the ! Methodism. The southern Methodist ' in accordance witli tho nature of ourtlio’ts.
cure that young man to write lenders for fight, see fair play, and, if need he, take a church, which was on" of the chief moral " e indulge iu a multitude of thoughts,
me — Ire is worth his weight in gold hut hand on both aide»— a part as friends, and sup; its of the rebellion, will inevitably frivolous and unworthy. If we desire to
unholy must know who he is, and I'm 1 a part ns foes. share its fortunes and go down with it to honor our Savior, let ua remember that not
almost certain lie never will he suspected | Tho preliminaries being arranged, tho ; n common min. As lire rebel statesmen 'v‘>''Is“"d deeds alone, hut lire offering up
Bemcuibcr. Gregory, if this secret gets principles of tho first duel were placed ton j have mode slavery lire corner stone nf tl.eir onr thoughts may also he acc eptable
wind I shall Maine you." paces apart. • ! confederacy, so Ires the Southern Metlio- Mr,ic0*
our minds dwell upon the
"All right; I'm dumb." | “lie film, stood}*, nod lire nt the word 1" | diet church placed under that corner stone swoctnoss uud beauty of Jesus,
That very day Authur Granger was sc- said Bradley, as he shook Iho hand ol J the New Testament. It did its best to give let our thoughts, burtlrened with grateful
cured nt a bandvinto salary, to write such j Granger and withdrew,
articles as the editor required front week} Thera tvas n few moments oi breathless
to week; and it was flirtiici arranged that I suspense, and the lulnl signal was given,
the mailer should Ire kept n profound sc- j In an instant the arms o! tire combatants
crcl; and, to avoid suspicion, the parties !
raised, like to levers ol iron, and the
were only to moot whon absolutely necessa- j /text there was r. blcndid report. Young
ry, and then either clandestinely or openly Granger stood firm, with the blood tric-k-
as strangers. | ling down his faeo from a slight furrow iu
Tito effect of the first article wo have his forehead, ploughed by the bull ol his
already mentioned: but when lire succeed j antagonist, wire already lay stretched out
ing week, some three or lour more np- ou the earth, shot through the brain,
peered, of the same etnuip. if anything, "Hit, but not hurt!" sqjd lire young
more caustic and cutting, directed against | lawyer, running his finger along tire
tho whole party and individual members j wound, as his excited friends rushed up to
beside, the excitement increased, curiosity him.
became eager and wonder grew apace — ( Such skill and courage were enough lor
And each succeeding week Imt added oven fighting Arkansas.
hundred atnl-
rejoice;' Then now make that word your
study. Commune with it daily and deep¬
ly. imbibe its spirit; and when those who
neglect this word shall be comfortless, your
action of rohgipn
* s which lorininatec
> tho political
in secession.
The ^prn host*
Mrs. VnnitiD was a poor widow witli four
•ildrcn, of whom Ricbird, the eldest, teas
ght years old. One evening her chil-
reo ivero very hungrv. and rite had no
fuel to tire flame:. The Democrats grow | wart man gathered around onr delicate lit- 1 lime ago }
triumphant and the Whigs furious; aud j tie hero, and swore his life should not be
when, the p ntics being nearly equally put in joopurdy again, to please liimsoll or
divided the former carried tire election by anybody else ; and placing hint upon tlu-ir
u respectable majority, tho latter grew j shoulders, they boro hint off back into tho
desperate, cud raved like madmen, do- town in triumph, ids tv iling nut ots
nounoiitg the unknown write: n en liar and ! nowise regretting tho whim cl the speetn-
a coward, and makings staudiag offor oi a tors that had saved them from standing
thousand dollars to any ono who would . before) such a fitnl marksman,
discioso his iinuio.
10 give
1 licr hr*. rt to
; * i f cou
only lilt up
1 Vi. i M ft 1 1 flllS Lltii (ilSV *n it*. V-t«
! ot prayer, f
< J AMJ ,
1 11 in
.r she believed in his love nod
his power
i save.
At tho cl<
of her praver. Richard said
i to her: “M
1 ih nt God .«i-i
I him bread? '
„her dues not tho Bible
it ravens Ion man to bring
j lime n^o ”
child; but that was a long
iid Jtielmrd, “God can ernd*
with brrad now. I'm cro~
1 inif lo open
«he dofT, or they run’: -.tin;”
; up, be run to the door and
j threw it ope
tint the caudle shone out
| into the giro
few j;»a
ments after, tho vi'.We nine's-
.. .T _ _ __ . trato came passing by, and casting ngltnee
From that day forth the star of Arthur through lire open dour, he was charmed by
ove, rise as sweet iaccnse to heaven. The
love of Jesus, lot it be the dear theme on
which nur thoughts linger long, and to
i which they return with new delight.
When we expressed our love fur a friend
by saying, I think a great dea! of you. Lot
ns thus express our affection for Jesus. —
Wo ahull know that Christ is enshrined in
; nur thoughts. We need not- doubt our
Idvo for Jeetts, if through the ’busy day
! and in tiie still night, wo nro ever keeping
in mind the memory of his goodness.
If, then, we have nothing else
to bring to the Savinr, fur mercie* cenot-
less ns tire sands, lot us bring cur thoughts
: filed witli a virion of the Redeemer's glo-
, ry anti beauty and glory, until loet iu won-
| dor, love and praise, and offer these as our
11 sacrifice.
Wo want *o be like Jesus The more
I -vc think of him, lire more shall we increase
, in lore nnd kiudner^ to hitn, Ills thus,
’ that bedo, 'ditip. as in a glass, the glory of
, the frerd, wo ore changed into the same
| image — from glory to glory.
Digs saw a fivc-pound note lying on
"If you are discovered, Granger, you Granger was io the asccudhnt. iio snbse- J 'he appearanoa of the pretty gr . _
dll liuve to quit the region at abort no- quently married a lady of fortune, and He could not_ refrain from entering, and ‘",et walked on without picking it op.
Co," said tire proprietor of that Demo- 1 rose to tho highest honors tho State could | ““‘H
■« *')га*
Vunlan: "My g ud lady, how | 11 c ,n'“ omithers t.ie story
lice,’’ said tho proprietor of that Demo- i rosa to tho highest honors iho State could !81'‘ti ll> Vanlan: "My g od lady, how 1 He mid ! Snmhers the story, when the
cratio paper lo tho young Jawyer, during ‘ give him. hap^ns it that your door is wide open at 1 :
one of their stolen interviews. I Great mental abilities oould only bn np- this hour of tho evening. ’ 'Do yon know. Ihgv, jon have commf-
"Wby so?” asked tho laKor, quietly. | predated in Arkansas when united with •'If* Vanlun wos a liltlo embarrassed at 1CI* “ _ vcr>' kb8'8 * * — ‘ "
“Because your life will he in dtingcr!" great physical courage, and then tho road
“Will they murder me?" , to distinction lay open to the fortunate pos-
“At least they will; insult nud challenge scssor of both. Though the names above
given arc all fictious, titers ore many per-
you, and you will hare to either run or
“Suppose I fight?”
“And be killed?”
I must take my chance, of ooarso, I
seeing such a gentleman enter her poor have I done ?” — -You have past
room; but rlio rose and saluted him res- ,,olei knowing it to he such.”
j cctfully, and taking oil Richard's cap,
and laying Iter hand on his head, she Slid,
Funs living in tho North who have heard , smiling:
tho voioo of Arthur Granger iu (Ire hail 1 "It is my little Richard that Ires opened
of our national CoDgtcass. ; tho door, ao that the ravens, Ire nays, may
1 - . * -nd bring us some bread."
«a. My party, sir will not Ho in id!«
ness," uni a politician. "Very true sir."
retorted his opponent. “Your party is
neither chargeable with lying iu idleness
nor idleoess in lying."-
■.halt be entitled to tho clreioe of weapons ' Fkkscii Inossuity.— Wo shall begin 1 Now the magistrate was actual!} dress, d
at least.” to think tho French next to the Yankees, in black from head to foot. ISTTwo gentlemen fishing — sharp boy
“What then? what can you do? You for «uniting and ingenuity, if tre havo n “Ah, indeed," said he, laughing. Rich- ' *'PP»«n, "Well, sir, go! any bite»?'' "Lou
are not heavy enough lbr the bmvic, und , *cw 111010 811 practical examples ns the ard is right. Ilia raven has come, aud a °* ’em ” "Y-o-s tinder your hat." Race
your antagonist will bo a dead allot.” ' following: — Two beothers in J’nris, both dig one too. t.'ouie, Kieliard, I will show , between boy and sundry stouts — boy
“By your leave, he urey be shot dead excellent swimmers, follow the business ol yon where the bread is." I little «head
himself.” leaving each other's life, in order to gel the He took the little hoy with him to th
Ha! can you shoot?'’ municipal reward of twenty five francs. —
“With one of my hair triggers I 0an I fJnc tlirows himself desperately into the
snuff a cnndel at ten paces." j * alor from a, bridge, while tho other comes
"You amazo and delight ms. Where UP «n«P*otodly, plunges in after him,
did you learn to handle the pistol with so “"A 81 '“sl brings him safe to shore.
much skill?'
“For the last two months 1 have been
When limy hod fioished their nteal,
i Richard again wont to the door, took off
Obeyino OuBEue.— A brave veteran , his cap, and looking, ap into the sky said:
practicing daily in tho woods, just out of rcconuoilemig a battery which was | ..ThaI,k J00i uly dear Father in Heaven;"
town, preparing for ju-t such a crisis iu my 1 c0"J"Wi "“P«l-’88b p. "inch it was | after which became iasad closed the door.
• • -• ■ ■ J necessary to storm, laconically onawered | - -
the engineers who were endeavoring to | 6Sy-\Vheu asked how lie got ontot pris-
witty rouge replied t “I got out of
grocer's, filled a basket with provisions, 1*9. Wo seoanannouncomontofamir-
nnd went him homo with it. Richard you | '“'.go ofn Mr. Greenback. Now lookout
muy be sure, hurried homo aa fast at he i r°r 8n '»up “f l“g»l tenders."
fate, whiolt I havo ail along foreseen."
“By heaven. !’’ exclaimed tire other, } dUau'.de'him'from tiie'
-“I. J-
gra.ptng the7oung man a hand with ;n-
you m„ tbiuk „„d s.y „l,at
created admiral, ou “1 am just beginning ptCase ; nli I know is, that the American
to know yon, and »m proud of your ao- fl,g
be hoisted on tho ramparts to-
quamtnnce. To tell you the trull»,, I luorro„ morning, for I havo the order in
never supposed .„ere was an, more fight tn , my FOckrl ” The wotks were carried, ac-
ynu than in a girl of atxlccn ; and for a ] cor(fing t0 orders.
my cell by ingenuity, tan up noire with
agility, crawled out of the window in sec¬
recy. fiiid down the lighting rod with ra¬
pidity, walked out of the town with digni¬
ty, anil am now balking iu the lunshiireof
— Tompkins says that a “wider is
married woman what's got no hn.bsod,
lie's dead, oud
a follow
as run» alter tho widders."
CQ.Ther* is always more pleasure in
giviug than receiving, especially with the
.Motors if they should Imppon lo take
their own medicine
ray, 1 1 was Funch who raid so fefieitons-
Iv that, while men only went, (modest
dogs!) ell they can gel. the woman west
all they can't get.
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