Governor's Departments
The following Commonwealth agencies providing state publications are under jurisdiction of the Governor as the Departments of the Governor of Pennsylvania. Each Commonwealth agency has a link to the state publications of that agency, a link to the agency website, and a download button for a finding aid for that agency collection, which contains further historical notes, connected agency notes, general notes on copyrighted publications and related Internet Archive publications, etc.
Governor's Departments
The following Commonwealth agencies providing state publications are under jurisdiction of the Governor as the Departments of the Governor of Pennsylvania. Each Commonwealth agency has a link to the state publications of that agency, a link to the agency website, and a download button for a finding aid for that agency collection, which contains further historical notes, connected agency notes, general notes on copyrighted publications and related Internet Archive publications, etc.
Department of Aging
The Department of Aging advances the well-being of Pennsylvania’s older citizens, coordinates federal and state aging programs, and promotes the creation and growth of organizations maximizing elder independence and involvement. The Department’s mission is accomplished through prevention from instability in health and well-being that may result in institutional care and dependence on government aid; and protection from abuse, neglect, abandonment, and exploitation.
The publications of the Department of Aging contain newsletters, strategic plans, guides, annual reports, budget reports, and other reports. Selected topics from these publications include protective services, elder exploitation, elder benefits, etc. The bulk of the current material is dated from 2017 to present.
Download the Department of Aging finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Department of Agriculture
The Department of Agriculture encourages, promotes, and protects agriculture and related industries throughout the Commonwealth. Further, the department deals with appropriate investigatory and service problems, providing consumer protection through inspection services. The Department works to control animal and plant diseases as well as insect pests, and to safeguard the public against impure or misrepresented foods, fertilizers and pesticides.
The publications of the Department of Agriculture contain annual reports, budget reports, other reports, and educational guides. Selected topics from these publications include agricultural statistics and economics, entomology, farmland preservation, etc. The bulk of the current material is dated from 2008 to present.
Download the Department of Agriculture finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Department of Agriculture - Governor's Invasive Species Council
he Governor's Invasive Species Council works to identify invasive plant, insect, and animal species that currently threaten or could potentially threaten Pennsylvania's natural and agricultural resources and the industries they support. The Council develops and works to implement the Commonwealth's invasive species management plan, which provides a framework for the prevention and control of invasive species at the state level. The Council also advises the Governor on invasive species policy development, facilitates coordination between agencies and organizations to address invasive species threats, and conducts outreach and education.
Download the Governor's Invasive Species Council finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Department of Agriculture - State Conservation Commission
The Pennsylvania State Conservation Commission's (SCC) is under the jurisdiction of the Department of Agriculture. The State Conservation Commission's ensures wise use of Pennsylvania's natural resources and protects and restores the natural environment through the conservation of its soil, water and related resources. The Commission provides programs like the Resource Enhancement and Protection (REAP) program. Staff also provides oversight and professional certification for nutrient management specialists, odor management specialist and manure hauler and brokers.
The publications of the State Conservation Commission contain annual reports. Selected topics from these publications include yearly statistics and events of the Commission. The bulk of the current material is dated from 2020 to present.
Download the State Conservation Commission finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Department of Agriculture - State Horse Racing Commission
The State Horse Racing Commission (SHRC) is under jurisdiction of the Department of Agriculture. SHRC represents the state’s racing industry under a common mission: to direct, regulate, secure and promote the horse racing and breeding industry in the commonwealth. Pennsylvania is home to six racing complexes and hosts harness racing at 16 agricultural county fairs.
The publications of the State Horse Racing Commission contain annual reports and educational guides. Selected topics from these publications include fair harness racing and yearly commission happenings. The bulk of the current material is dated from 2016 to present.
Download the State Horse Racing Commission finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Department of Banking and Securities
The Department of Banking and Securities is responsible for chartering, licensing, registering, regulating, and supervising depository and non-depository financial institutions in Pennsylvania; for administering the provisions of laws authorizing lending and deposit-taking activities; for overseeing the offer, sale, and purchase of securities in Pennsylvania while encouraging the investment of capital; and for protecting consumers and investors in financial matters.
The publications of the Department of Banking and Securities contain newsletters, educational guides, annual reports, and other reports. Selected topics from these publications include financial education, consumer services, and scamming. The bulk of the current material is dated from 2004 to present.
Download the Department of Banking and Securities finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Department of Community and Economic Development
The Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) works to foster opportunities for businesses and communities to succeed and thrive in a global economy, thereby enabling Pennsylvanians to achieve a superior quality of life and ensure transparency and accountability in the expenditure of public funds.
The publications of the Department of Community and Economic Development contain action plans. Selected topics from these publications include future tactics to address housing and economics in the Commonwealth. The bulk of the current material is dated from 2018 to 2020.
Download the Department of Community and Economic Development finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Department of Community and Economic Development - Office of Open Records
The Office of Open Records falls under jurisdiction of the Department of Community and Economic Development. The Office of Open Records authorizes citizen access to government records. The Office makes final determinations on the status of public records, decides appeals, and performs trainings on right-to-know and Pennsylvania’s open meetings law (through the Sunshine Act). The Office also monitors hundreds of RTKL cases within the Pennsylvania court system, and answers citizen and media inquiries regarding transparency laws.
The publications of the Office of Open Records contain annual reports, other reports, and indexes. Selected topics from these publications include the Right-to-Know Law and yearly agency happenings.
Download the Office of Open Records finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Department of Community and Economic Development - Pennsylvania Military Community Enhancement Commission
The Pennsylvania Military Community Enhancement Commission (PMCEC) is under jurisdiction of the Department of Community and Economic Development. PMCEC funds may be used to support and enhance the military value of a military installation or organization. The Commission works to assist the Governor in the enhancement of the military value of and advocacy for all installations, organizations and defense related stakeholders in the commonwealth.
The publications of the Pennsylvania Military Community Enhancement Commission contain annual reports, impact reports, and reference manuals. Selected topics from these publications include military installation impacts on Commonwealth Communities, and yearly Commission happenings.
Download the Pennsylvania Military Community Enhancement Commission finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources is charged with maintaining and preserving the commonwealth's 117 state parks; managing the 2.1 million acres of state forest land; providing information on the state's ecological and geologic resources; and establishing community conservation partnerships with grants and technical assistance to benefit rivers, trails, greenways, local parks and recreation, regional heritage parks, open space and natural areas.
The publications of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources contain strategic plans and fact sheets. Selected topics from these publications include Penn’s Woods and Palmerton Zinc Pile. The bulk of material is dated from 2011.
Download the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Department of Corrections
The Department of Corrections is responsible for the management and supervision of the Commonwealth’s adult correctional system, including all state correctional institutions and regional facilities, as well as community-oriented prerelease facilities, known as community service centers.
The publications of the Department of Corrections contain educational guides, newsletters, annual and monthly reports, performance reports, and statistical reports. Selected topics from these publications include sexual abuse among inmates, inmate statistics. The bulk of the current material is dated from 2000 to present.
Download the Department of Corrections finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Department of Education
The Department of Education administers school laws and assists school districts in providing educational programming to Pennsylvanians. The Department of Education functions to: develop and administer educational policies and standards; provide service and technical assistance to Pennsylvania educators; develop master plans for preschool, K-12, and higher education; manage a system of pre-service education and in-service professional development; plan and administer policies for libraries; plan and administer vocational training and retraining programs; and more.
The publications of the Department of Education contain annual reports, other reports, and educational guides. Selected topics from these publications include career technical centers and library statistics. The bulk of the current material is dated from 2011 to present.
Download the Department of Education finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Department of Environmental Protection
The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is charged with the responsible development of a balanced ecological system through development and protection. The Department is responsible for the state’s land, air, and water management programs, all aspects of environmental protection, and the regulation of mining operations.
The publications of the Department of Environmental Protection contain newsletters, environmental assessments, educational guides, annual reports, and other various reports. Selected topics from these publications include climate impacts in Pennsylvania, water quality, flood recovery, etc. The bulk of the current material is dated from 1999 to present.
Download the Department of Environmental Protection finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Department of General Services
The Department of General Services (DGS) is the central construction, purchasing, publishing, and maintenance agency for the Commonwealth. DGS builds all non-highway Capital projects, serves as the real estate agent for state-owned land and leases, oversees the Commonwealth vehicle fleet, maintains all state-owned facilities, serves as the state’s insurance broker, monitors participation in state contracts by small and small diverse businesses, manages federal and state surplus and supplies, and oversees the Capitol Police, Commonwealth Media Services, and the Bureau of Publications.
The publications of the Department of General Services contain annual reports and educational guides. Selected topics from these publications include small business diversity, veteran business, and the Pennsylvania Manual. The bulk of the current material is dated from 2003 to present.
Download the Department of General Services finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Department of Health
The Department of Health enforces all statutes pertaining to public health and the rules and regulations passed by Pennsylvania's Advisory Health Board. The Advisory Health Board is charged with establishing rules and regulations for disease prevention, protection of lives and health, and providing health services to counties and other political subdivisions. The Department works to prevent and suppress outbreaks of disease, and coordinating a comprehensive state-wide health program. The Department operates numerous State Health Centers that serve as primary public health service units in local communities.
The publications of the Department of Health contain educational guides, strategic plans, annual reports, biennial reports, and other reports. Selected topics from these publications include implicit bias in healthcare, healthcare improvement, and health resources. The bulk of the current material is dated from 1932 to 1986, and from 2010 to present.
Download the Department of Health finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Department of Human Services
The Department of Human Services (DHS) administers human-service programs, promotes local social services and planning activities, and develops programs to respond to the human service needs of the Commonwealth’s residents. Programs provide basic needs including cash, food, shelter, health care, heat, and job-funding assistance for individuals and families. The Department also provides treatment, care, and support services in state-operated facilities and in the community for people with mental illness and developmental disabilities as well as children and families.
The publications of the Department of Human Services contain strategic plans and educational guides. Selected topics from these publications include intellectual disability and child care. The bulk of the current material is dated from 2019 to present.
Download the Department of Human Services finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Insurance Department
The Insurance Department is responsible for administering the laws of the Commonwealth as they pertain to the regulation of the insurance industry and the protection of the insurance consumer. The Department reviews and regulates insurance rates, audits companies, supervises and oversees the incorporation and licensing of companies and agents, and investigates consumer complaints. The Department ensures that the industry is responsive to the needs of the consumer by making available to the consumer reliable insurance coverage at reasonable rates.
The publications of the Insurance Department contain annual statistical reports and newsletters. Selected topics from these publications include agency fiscal affairs, statistics, and agency news talking points. The bulk of the current material is dated from 2003 to 2017.
Download the Insurance Department finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Department of Labor and Industry
The Department of Labor and Industry (L&I) administers benefits to unemployed individuals, oversees the administration of workers’ compensation benefits to individuals with job-related injuries, and provides vocational rehabilitation to individuals with disabilities. The Department offers job training services for adult, youth, older workers, and dislocated workers. In addition, L&I enforces various laws and safety standards in the workplace and administers the Commonwealth’s programs for community service by young Pennsylvanians.
The publications of the Department of Labor and Industry contain newsletters, statistical reports, annual reports, and other reports. Selected topics from these publications include financial operations, civilian workforce analysis and forecasts, minimum wage, etc. The bulk of the current material is dated from 2007 to present.
Download the Department of Labor and Industry finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs
The Department of Military and Veterans Affairs is home to the Adjutant General’s Office. The primary duties of The Adjutant General, as head of the Department, are the administration, organizing, training, and commanding of the Pennsylvania National Guard, state-owned Veterans’ Homes, and programs for Pennsylvania’s veterans.
The publications of the Department of Military and Veterans’ Affairs contain educational guides. Selected topics from these publications include veteran benefits. The bulk of the current material is dated from 2011.
Download the Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Department of Revenue
The Department of Revenue administers the tax laws of the Commonwealth and the Pennsylvania Lottery. The Department is responsible for collecting personal income tax, sales tax, corporate taxes, and all other state taxes. In addition, the Department collects the local sales tax for Allegheny and Philadelphia Counties, the Public Transportation Assistance Fund taxes and fees, and funds for the Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Cooperation Authority (PICA). The Department also administers the Property Tax/Rent Rebate program and the Public Utility Realty Tax Act reimbursement, prepares the tax expenditure portion of the Governor’s Budget, analyzes the policy and fiscal impacts of tax changes and licenses small games of chance distributors and manufacturers.
The publications of the Department of Revenue contain newsletters, annual reports, financial reports, summary reports, statistical reports, compendiums, and other reports. Selected topics from these publications include state tax modifications, tax clearance programs, tax amnesty, enhanced revenue collection accounts, etc. The bulk of the current material is dated from 2000 to present.
Download the Department of Revenue finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Department of Revenue - Pennsylvania Lottery
The Pennsylvania Lottery is the state-operated lottery and games system of the Commonwealth which supports statewide programs that benefit older Pennsylvanians by selling lottery products. Approximately 30% of revenues directly benefit programming for the aged.
The publications of the Pennsylvania Lottery contain annual reports and financial reports. Selected topics from these publications include lottery expenditures and economic impacts of the lottery. The bulk of the current material is dated from 2003 to present.
Download the Pennsylvania Lottery finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Department of State
The Department of State, headed by the Secretary of the Commonwealth, authenticates government documents. The Secretary is custodian of the laws and resolutions passed by the General Assembly and of all proclamations, appointments, warrants, etc. issued by the Governor. The Secretary is also the Commonwealth’s Chief Election Official.
The publications of the Department of State contain annual reports. Selected topics from these publications include small business exemptions. The bulk of the current material is dated from 2018 to present.
Download the Department of State finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Department of Transportation
The Department of Transportation develops transportation facilities and services. Department goals include providing needed facilities for the movement of people and goods, stimulating technological advancement in transportation facilities, identifying and solving transportation problems, and developing and applying international and multi-modal approaches to transportation policy and programs. Special responsibilties include certificates of title, licensing of operators, registration and licensing of motor vehicles, administrative enforcement of the Motor Vehicle Code including the Point System, and administration of aviation and airport development programs within the Commonwealth.
The publications of the Department of Transportation contain annual reports, budget reports, other reports, educational guides and manuals, and strategic plans. Selected topics from these publications include PENNDOT contractor specifications, roadway maintenance, etc. The bulk of the current material is dated from 2004 to present.
Download the Department of Transportation finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency
The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency is an emergency preparedness and response agency directed to coordinate all available Commonwealth resources and state agency responses, including the Office of the State Fire Commissioner, and to support county and local governments in the areas of civil defense, disaster mitigation and preparedness, planning, and response to and recovery from emergencies of any kind, whether man-made or natural sources.
The publications of the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency contain annual reports, educational guides, and strategic plans. Selected topics from these publications include state hazard mitigation, recovery from disasters, and housing repair from disasters. The bulk of the current material is dated from 1985, and from 2015 to present.
Download the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency - Office of the State Fire Commissioner
The Office of the State Fire Commissioner is under jurisdiction of the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency. The Fire Commissioner oversees the development and operation of Pennsylvania’s emergency service training program, the Volunteer Loan Assistance Program (VLAP), and the Fire Company and Emergency Medical Service Grant Program (FCEMSGP). In addition, the Commissioner is responsible for the development of a comprehensive fire incident reporting system. The Fire Commissioner supports volunteer recruitment and retention, firefighter safety, intervention programs dealing with juvenile fire-setters, and community safety education.
The publications of the Office of the State Fire Commissioner contain newsletters, educational guides, and instructional handbooks. Selected topics from these publications include standards and procedures for various positions in the fire squad, firefighting terminology, and rescue service instructions. The bulk of the current material is dated from 2009 to present.
Download the Office of the State Fire Commissioner finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Pennsylvania State Police
The Pennsylvania State Police are authorized and empowered to make arrests without warrant for all violations of the law which they may witness, and to serve and execute warrants issued by the proper local authorities. Pennsylvania State Police have the power and duty: to assist state authorities in the administration and enforcement of the laws of the Commonwealth; to cooperate with counties and municipalities in the detection of crime, the apprehension of criminals, and the preservation of law and order throughout the state; to aid in the enforcement of all laws relating to game, fish, forests, and waters; and more.
The publications of the Pennsylvania State Police contain annual reports, quarterly reports, and strategic plans. Selected topics from these publications include traffic stop statistics and future goals of the department. The bulk of the current material is dated from 2019 to present.
Download the Pennsylvania State Police finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Pennsylvania State Police - Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission
The Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission (MPOETC) falls under jurisdiction of the Pennsylvania State Police. MPOETC is responsible for setting the training and eligibility requirements for prospective and current police officers covered under Act 120 of 1974. MPOETC regulates and certifies police academies and police training instructors. A police officer cannot enforce the laws of the Commonwealth or carry a firearm until the individual is certified by MPOETC.
The publications of the Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission contain newsletters. Selected topics from these publications include agency news talking points. The bulk of the current material is dated from 2013 to 2015.
Download the Municipal Police Officers’ Education and Training Commission finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.