Governor's Executive Offices
The following Commonwealth agencies providing state publications are under jurisdiction of the Governor as the Executive Offices of the Governor of Pennsylvania. Each Commonwealth agency has a link to the state publications of that agency, a link to the agency website, and a download button for a finding aid for that collection, which contains further historical notes, connected agency notes, general notes on copyrighted publications and related Internet Archive publications, etc.
Governor's Executive Offices
The following Commonwealth agencies providing state publications are under jurisdiction of the Governor as the Executive Offices of the Governor of Pennsylvania. Each Commonwealth agency has a link to the state publications of that agency, a link to the agency website, and a download button for a finding aid for that collection, which contains further historical notes, connected agency notes, general notes on copyrighted publications and related Internet Archive publications, etc.
Commission on Crime and Delinquency
The Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) serves as the justice planning and policymaking agency for the Commonwealth. PCCD provides statewide criminal statistical and analytical services; fosters community-based initiatives in the areas of delinquency prevention and offender reintegration; and promotes the use of information technology and information sharing to enhance operational effectiveness in criminal justice agencies. The agency is specifically tasked with providing services to the victims of crime; implementing Act 115 of 2019 specifically related to sentences of probation with restrictive conditions of supervision; administering support for County Adult Probation Services pursuant to Act 114 of 2019; coordinating training for sheriffs, deputy sheriffs and constables per their respective statutes; and administering the school safety and security program.
The publications of the Commission on Crime and Delinquency contain annual reports, other reports, and strategic plans. Selected topics from these publications include yearly happenings and statistics of the Commission, and future plans for the juvenile justice system. The bulk of the current material is dated from 2005 to present.
Download the Commission on Crime and Delinquency finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Juvenile Court Judges’ Commission
The Juvenile Court Judges' Commission works to support Pennsylvania’s juvenile justice system to achieve community protection, offender accountability, restoration of crime victims, and youth competency development. The Commission is responsible for advising juvenile courts concerning the proper care and maintenance of delinquent and dependent children; establishing standards governing the administrative practices and judicial procedures used in juvenile courts; establishing personnel practices and employment standards used in probation offices; collecting, compiling, and publishing juvenile court statistics; and administering a grant-in-aid program to improve county juvenile probation.
The publications of the Juvenile Court Judges' Commission contain various reports, factsheets and educational guides. Selected topics from these publications include juvenile justice law, restorative justice, victim response, crime prevention, etc. The bulk of the current material is dated from 2006 to present. Many of these publications are created in cooperation with the Commission on Crime and Delinquency, and the non-state entity Pennsylvania Council of Chief Juvenile Probation Officers.
Download the Juvenile Court Judges' Commission finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Office of Administration
The Office of Administration carries out many of the Governor’s managerial functions, including setting policies, managing programs, and providing administrative support to 40+ agencies, boards, and commissions under the Governor’s jurisdiction. Its main functions include statewide direction of information technology, human resources, and continuity of government and records information management. The Office of Administration also performs day-to-day administrative functions for the Governor’s executive offices as well as several independent boards and commissions.
The publications of the Office of Administration contain annual reports and newsletters. Selected topics from these publications include the Pennsylvania Justice Network and Commonwealth programs. The bulk of the current material is dated from 2008 to 2012.
Download the Office of Administration finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Office of the Budget
The Office of the Budget develops, coordinates, and oversees the execution of a balanced financial plan for the Commonwealth that reflects the policies and priorities of the Governor, promotes the efficient allocation and use of resources, and ensures that all funds received and disbursed for Commonwealth programs are accounted for in accordance with current laws, regulations, and policies. The Office carries out special fiscal analyses for the Governor and provide the other senior officials information to evaluate the financial impact of current and possible new policies and programs. The Secretary has overall responsibility for preparation of the Governor’s budget and its implementation after legislative enactment. The Secretary is also responsible for maintaining the Commonwealth’s accounting, payroll, debt issuance, and financial reporting systems and programs.
The publications of the Office of the Budget contain newsletters, budget reports, annual reports, and other reports. Selected topics from these publications include liquor privatization, the state budget allocations, the Pennsylvania Horsemen’s Association, etc. The bulk of the current material is dated from 1969 to present.
Download the Office of the Budget finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Office of the Budget - Office of Comptroller Operations
The Office of Comptroller Operations assists the Budget Secretary in the development, implementation, maintenance, review, monitoring, and control of uniform accounting, payroll, auditing, operating and financial reporting policies, procedures, and systems to ensure accountability of funds and the efficiency, effectiveness, and economy of financial operations of Commonwealth agencies. The Office prepares and issues the Commonwealth comprehensive annual financial report and the state-level single audit.
The publications of the Office of Comptroller Operations contain annual reports. Selected topics from these publications include financial balances and projections. The bulk of the current material is dated from 1986 to 2008.
Download the Office of Comptroller Operations finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Office of the Governor
The Office of the Governor is the state entity housing the Governor and the duties of that role. As the chief executive officer of the Commonwealth, the Governor is responsible for directing and supervising the activities of the administrative departments, boards and commissions under his authority in order to ensure the faithful execution of the laws of the Commonwealth. Legislative and judicial powers, such as the right to veto bills of the General Assembly, are vested with the chief executive. The Governor is also responsible for submitting the state budget for consideration by the legislature.
The publications of the Office of the Governor contain reports. Selected topics from these publications include food security. The bulk of the current material is dated from 2022.
Download the Office of the Governor finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Office of State Inspector General
The Office of State Inspector General (OSIG) acts to ensure integrity, accountability, and public confidence in Pennsylvania government by preventing, investigating, and eliminating fraud, waste, abuse, and misconduct. OSIG investigates allegations of impropriety in the administration of programs, operations, and contracting in executive agencies and recommends appropriate corrective action. OSIG recommends to the General Counsel appropriate cases for referral to the Office of Attorney General for criminal prosecution, and assists federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies that investigate and prosecute fraud. OSIG is also responsible for investigating welfare fraud and conducting collection activities for programs administered by the Department of Human Services.
The publications of the State Inspector General contain annual reports, investigative summaries, and other reports. Selected topics from these publications include agency happenings and fiscal information, employee misconduct, and investigations into other agencies. The bulk of the current material is dated from 2005 to present.
Download the Office of State Inspector General finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.
Office of State Inspector General - Pennsylvania State Law Enforcement Citizen Advisory Commission
The Pennsylvania State Law Enforcement Citizen Advisory Commission (PSLECAC) is under jurisdiction of the Office of State Inspector General. PSLECAC works to improve policing practices within law enforcement agencies under the Governor’s jurisdiction. The Commission is comprised of Pennsylvania citizens focused on promoting transparency, fairness, and accountability among the Commonwealth’s state law enforcement agencies by examining events and conducting reviews of policies, practices, and procedures.
The publications of the State Law Enforcement Citizen Advisory Commission contain annual reports and final incident reports. Selected topics from these publications include yearly agency happenings and case files on uses of force.
Download the Pennsylvania State Law Enforcement Citizen Advisory Commission finding aid for further information on agency history, relationships with other state agencies, general notes, etc.