America250: Politics, Taxes, and Revolution

America250: Politics, Taxes, and Revolution

This page presents primary resources from the State Library exhibiting the politics and relationship between the Thirteen British Colonies and Great Britain and with each other in the 18th-century. Before the age of radio, television, and the Internet, public debate on issues of the day were addressed either face-to-face in coffee houses, taverns, etc. or were addressed to larger audiences through public speeches (often called oratory), church sermons, or through printed materials distributed to larger audiences across geographic locations. These printed materials can be explored as instruments of persuasion through textual analysis and comparison or arguments for and against taxation, British rule, revolution, and independence.

Selected holdings of the State Library of Pennsylvania pertaining to taxation, revolution, and politics have been digitized as part of the America250 project, and are freely available by clicking the button below.